My sister’s note in facebook inspired me to write this..
It was Saturday in the morning, November 6, 2010. I was on my way home, bringing a cheesecake that I bought from an officemate. It was Gang-gang's birthday; I was bringing that cake for her. I was so tired from work and slept in the bus. Right after I took a seat in the bus, I was dead-asleep. I slept the whole ride, from Ortigas to Makati. As a consequence, I passed beyond my destination. So I had to walk to the apartment for about 20mins.
When I got home, I called her "Gang?..Gang?.. Asa na ka? (where are you?)." No one's answering. I called again with a "Happy Birthday!" Then she came out from the apartment room like a newborn. Eye bags swelling and husky voice she said, "Huy, salamat gyud, Ed!" (thank you, Ed). I gave her the cheesecake. She said 'thank you' again, then went back to bed. Too bad I messed her sleep. I checked my Facebook then went to bed. I haven't slept yet. I just laid myself and did sound-tripping. The songs were playing in my mp3... Athlete, Phoenix, Coldplay, Dashboard Confessionals, and so on...
Suddenly, one song pricked my heart. I made me sad when I was listening to it. It was Pollen and Salt by Daphne Loves Derby. I had it on repeat mode. I was listening to it for about 15 times over and over again, trying to figure out the lyrics. It was so depressing. I felt like I was about to cry. Then suddenly tears fell. The feeling was so real. I felt like Im the one in the song someone left me for good. Words like,
"…you've left me such a silent world
the evenings are calm but i'm restless…”
the evenings are calm but i'm restless…”
“…not even the mighty sky can fill the space you left behind…”
“last night i dreamt you were with me, finally i could breathe”
I never had that feeling before. I never cried over a song. That’s too cheesy and gay. I couldn’t find a reason for that feeling. That song made my heart weak and I felt more and more tired. So I just told my self to sleep. I turned the lights off, closed the doors and windows. Covered my eyes with the hanky to simulate the night and tried to sleep. It tried but I never did. I was so tired for graveyard shift, lacked sleep from the bus, tired from the 20mins walk and I couldn’t sleep? I don’t understand. It was a strange day.
Few moments after, I was able to take a good rest. It wasn’t a sleep but it was just a short nap. A door knock woke me. It was Gang-gang checking on the cheesecake. Still having that heavy heart, I decided to grab my guitar and played some good music. While playing with my guitar, I was telling Gang-gang about how strange that day was. She just listened with a friendly face. She just responded with a smile. She then told me to finish what we have started.
Finished what we have started??? Puzzled, I stare at her “What do you mean, Gang?” Oh! I remembered! That song cover. We were planning to make a music video. I was a cover version of the song My Life is in Your Hands by Katy Troccoli, a gospel song. I didn’t know this song but I already learned this few days before because we’ve been practicing this.
So we practiced some more to make it perfect. I plucked my guitar strings for a smooth intro. The intro was perfect. So smooth. Then the vocals came in. That was perfect too. Gang-gang has a sweet voice. Now, on the chorus part, shit! I forgot the chords! Mistake! It was a mess. It sounded like a horror music with insane broken chords. We did it again. It was a mistake again. I can’t seem to get it right. And now for the fifth time; again, fail! I can’t do it. I told her again “something is strange with this day”. “You’re simply not in the mood” she replied. Yes, maybe.
Her phone made a sound. 1 message received. She read the message. I looked at her while she read it. She hesitantly handed her phone to me and said “you should read this”. I read the message. It was a message from my sister. “Tu-a na si lolo. Tua na siya sa langit” (Lolo is gone, he is in heaven now) I was speechless when I read that message. I did not say a word. I just heard Gang-gang said “Im sorry”. She left the room. I was alone. I was lying in bed and realized the reason for the day’s strangeness.
He died an hour ago and that was the time when tear fell from my eyes with no apparent reason. That was also the reason why I felt sad with just a simple song. That was the reason with I could sleep even though I was so tired. That was the reason why I felt as if someone left me. It was also strange that I was playing a gospel song in my guitar. I only listen to indie music but that day i was inpired to sing songs about God and worship. It was my Lolo, then. And most of all, which was the reason why that day was so strange.
I never believed in supernatural things. I am more into science but this experience has changed my views about it. It made me believe that there are supernatural things that happen in this world. I heard a lot of stories this like this where in their loved ones communicated them a moment after they died, a moment before they died or some time around it. I believe in those things now because it happened to me. It was just my Lolo saying bye-bye to me when I had that teardrop fell from my eyes. He was with me beside me on my bed when I couldn’t sleep even though I was so tired. Creepy? No, that was sweep. LOLO’s LOVE lives.
This is what my sister wrote a day after he died...
Painful? no.. was i in denial? maybe.. accepted his death? i dont know.. the thought that he’s gone hasn’t sinked in yet.. tears are falling again.. i could see his face vividly on my mind.. i would hug him again if he’s beside me now.. i’d tell him i love him over and over again.. i know he loves me too.. i was the apple of his eye and will always be..
This is what my sister wrote a day after he died...
This was just an ordinary day..
Woke up at 6am in the morning then rushed to get my bath done.. have to be at work before 7am strikes.. whoa! i was fast.. I stepped out of the house,i noticed raindrops on my face.. got an umbrella and down i battled with the rain.. arrived at work at exactly 6:52am.. endorsement started. had few patients.. made our rounds.. medications given as ordered.. i suddenly realized my lolo was confined at the other ward.. went upstairs to check on lolo.. hmm.. he seems perfectly ok.. on my mind “yes! madayun na jud ku manila”..’cause i was really planning to go to manila..i already have my ticket!!was soooo excited about it.. was even praying that when i come back lolo would still be fine.. i found hershey’s kisses on the fridge got some for my friends at the station.. at the station: the never-ending-thinking of focus charting (deym i hate focus charting!!),carrying out orders..well basically,i am a nurse and doing the nurse’s job.. at exactly 1:20pm brother (Monray -the ever conceited na tambuk diay) called me..told me to rush to lolo’s room.. heart started to palpitate, hands to tremble, body to numb, knees to shake.. as i opened the door,i saw everyone was crying.. (WTF is going on?!!)..but i was as strong as a steel..everyone was crying i was like “huh?!!” then i saw lolo.. lying still but breathing deeper.. heart rate’s at 110beats/min on cardiac monitor with ECG tracing of i dont know what kind of traces..all i saw was a line with elevations noted.. Lolo was unconscious with oxygen inhalation at 3L/min via nasal cannula.. NGT attached at nostril..with FBC at bedside;hematuria noted.. Lolo was pale,cold with pulse not appreciated.. Diagnosis: Impending death.. I saw my uncles,aunties,cousins brothers, mommy (everyone but me) kissed lolo and was saying their goodbyes.. I was a nurse ought to give immediate care not an apo..i have to save him… but suddenly,tears was falling on my face.. i wanted to say goodbye to lolo too.. i wanna kiss him.. hug him so tightly..
Memories flashed back on my mind.. I was the apple of his eye.. He used to bring me toys when he arrives from a trip.. He defended me when cousins bully me.. He gave me coins bigger than that of my brother and my cousins.. I used to sleep with him at night..hug him and make “tanday”.. God!! how i miss those days.. As me and my cousins grew up..i know i was still the apple of his eye..he never refuse my favors..he still cooks for me especially when i asked him to cook our favorite “porkchop”.. lolo was a great cook..though salty lang.. He loves to go to the market.. he would buy gulay and meat.. He’s not that into chicken though.. Lolo loves chocolates like me.. maybe that’s why he’s “panggag na”.. He loves TV..he even knows all the actors and actresses on TV.. He loves basketball and boxing.. When he wakes up in the morning he used to listen to DXRH.. when lolo was in good condition,he would come to our house.. When the door’s closed,we knew it’s him ‘coz he knocks only twice.. Lolo would would check on our fridge and then drink his coffee.. Lolo also loves animals.. I think my cousin Gino got it from him..he has chickens, birds, dogs and cats.. Animal lover jud.. I remember too he that he loves to talk about war… especially the World War II..’coz he witnessed it..he was there..
What i dont like about lolo is that he’s kinda impatient.. like me again..hehe.. he would make ‘singka’ (angry sound) when u let him wait for a long time.. He hates gano ‘cause mommy would force him to drink it..hehehe.. He is also a smoker.. as n heavy smoker.. pero im but glad he reached 82!! When lola was alive,they would always in really fight.. to the point that my lola fell at the stairs coz lolo was able to kick her..(si lola kasi palaaway jud pud)..but i find it all funny.. Speaking of Lola,i know lolo loves her so much.. i never heard him having an affair with anyone..i even noticed lately that lolo was wearing a ring on his left hand..(how sweet!!)..
Mommy would always say to check on lolo everyday..but was so busy and too lazy to visit him..She would tell us that lolo would ask bout us.. especially me,if i was on duty or was still sleeping..Yes! i am guilty..i regretted those wasted times when i have the chance to be with him.. i could’ve served him more..
Then i was back to reality…
I went to lolo.. kissed him.. hugged him.. i said my last goodbye.. ‘I LOVE U LOLO!!!’ We witnessed his last breaths.. We saw tears on his eyes.. Was it his way of saying goodbye? maybe.. He’s gone.. ECG showed a flat line.. Lolo is gone..
I miss my lolo now and i’ll be missing him everyday..:’(
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